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Please check both the email account your registered with AND your
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Please check both the email account your registered with AND your
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Please include your USERNAME in the email.

Some additional help:

Your login is case SenSitiVe. Please be sure your CAPS LOCK is off, and you're typing your username and password exactly as it is listed in the activation email you received.

Go here and download cleanup (hit next at the bottom)... run it on your computer - it will clean out your temporary internet files, recycle bin and all other garbage files, .tmp files on your computer and will clean your cache. (Not only will it likely assist you in logging in, your computer will run much faster. It's a much more thorough cleanup than what Windows does and I recommend using it once a week or so. Oregon Bigfoot is NOT responsible for any lost data.)

If that doesn't work, you may need to tell your browser to allow cookies from www.oregonbigfoot.com Your internet security settings may be blocking the cookie necessary to login;

For IE:
Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Internet Explorer.

Click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.

Click the Privacy tab, and then move the slider to a position between the top and bottom so you are not blocking or allowing all cookies.

Click Sites.

In the Address of website box, type a website address, and then click Block or Allow.

As you type, a list of webpages that you have already visited will be displayed. You can click an item in the list and it will be displayed in the Address of website box.

Repeat step 5 for each website you want to block or allow. When you are finished, click OK.

Move the slider back to the position it was originally in, and then click OK.

For Firefox:

Enable cookies for the website
Make sure that cookies are enabled for the site in question:

Firefox 3.5/3.6:
At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences....
Select the Privacy panel.
Set Firefox will: to Use custom settings for history.
Make sure Accept cookies from sites is selected.
Make sure Accept third party cookies is selected.
Disabling third party cookies can cause problems with some websites. Enable this setting to rule it out as a cause for your problem.
Click Exceptions....
Make sure the site you're trying to access isn't listed.
If it is listed, click on its entry, then click Remove Site.

Firefox 3.0:
At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences....
Click the Privacy icon.
Make sure Accept cookies from sites is selected.
Make sure Accept third party cookies is selected.
Disabling third party cookies can cause problems with some websites. Enable this setting to rule it out as a cause for your problem.
Click Exceptions....
Make sure the site you're trying to access isn't listed.
If it is listed, click on its entry, then click Remove Site.

If you changed any settings, try logging in to the site again.

Still not working? Other questions?
Email us!



The OregonBigfoot.com members' section (over 500 pages) has just been completely redesigned for mobile phones, tablets and desktop PCs. This (the public site) will soon have a new face as well. Please pardon our dust.

2020 - Recordings from The Quarry Road - Exclusive! Local reports sent us up the mountain and we recorded hours of vocalizations. Audio analysis is still being uploaded as of 1124/2020. All files are in the members' media archives and membership is still $4.95 a month, as it has been since 2002. The best part of the recordings were just uploaded as of 11/24/2020, including Audio analysis and enhancements.

2019 - A lengthy update and scream recordings from The Chills Road - Exclusive! Follow our latest extensive explorations of the strangest road in Oregon.

2019 - Impressions on the bank - Exclusive! A reader named Mike sent in this video of these impressions on an embankment here in Oregon.

Member Participation Field Project - Check out this, and 14 years' worth of other great stuff in the media archives!

Field Journal Updated - Strange vocals recorded in a clearcut! Check it out in the media archives

Field Journal Updated - Strange vocalizations are coming from the woods. Join us as we explore the area in the media archives

Sasquatch Abductions - An examination of several historical reports of Sasquatch abductions. How many can you count that mention a group of Sasquatches in a cave at the edge of a canyon?

Bigfooting in a ghost town - Join us as we visit the remains of an old company logging town and examine sighting reports in the area

The most in-depth report on Sasquatch hair color ever conducted -I have examined 1270 reports in the Oregon Bigfoot database for color frequency. Also, thoughts on Sasquatch hair-growth patterns, a surprising analysis of Sasquatch hair compared to other great ape hair, and an examination of genetic diseases which may be apparent in eyewitness reports, including albinism, skin conditions and more.

more updates...