Loud sounds heard in the woods while on military maneuvers.

Oregonbigfoot.com file# 01675


Date: July 10, 2002
Vernon county, LA
Nearest town:
Leesville/Ft. Polk
Nearest road:

Sunny, hot
Artillery/Mortor range about half way down a tank trail on the north side of Ft. Polk military base. We were located in an elevated concrete bunker about 25' up with the west side a straight drop and the east side inclined at a 90 degree slope with an old wooden ladder/steps going up to the actual plywood observation post.


Description of event: This happened during our National Guard's Annual Training at Ft. Polk. I was a Fire Support Officer and with me five other Forward Observers. The bunker was a left over from the second world war and is still being used today for spotting artillery and mortor fire. It's about 50' long with a shear drop off on one side and a very, very steep incline on the other. The only way up is by the wooden steps. You can hear everything for quite a ways away and there is no way anyone can sneak up on you using the steps.

Late one night after the usual grab assing and card games, we all drifted off to our own part of the observation bunker to get some sleep. Since it was very hot and humid, some of us slept right out in the open under the stars.

At around 0200, I heard a group of about 5 dogs hauling ass through the woods to our rear. They were whimpering and yapping as if they were either hurt or extremely scared. As they passed within 100 meters of our location and continued on, I heard an incredible noise like something was running into, not around, the trees. Whatever it was came tearing through the area, hot on the tails of the dogs. To me, the sound of the tree's snapping sounded like gun shots. Since this is not a small arms range and there was no scheduled fire for that evening or morning, I had no doubt what the sound was. I sat there, not so much scared, but alert, tense and a little nervous. By this time, a few of the others had heard it too and commented on what might be making the noise. As the dogs continued on, the crashing stopped about 75 meters out in the wood line. All at once we heard a rather loud "snort", much like a cross between a mule and a buffalo.

I'm not saying that it was anything other than a very, very large deer, but when do deer put the fear of god in a pack of dogs. I had the feeling whatever was out there, was just waiting and watching us on the bunker. We never heard it leave and we never really talked about once we returned home. It's not much but maybe someone else from that area has had similar experiences.

Source: oregonbigfoot.com
record updated:0000-00-00 00:00:00