Date: june 01, 1996
Garfield county, UT
Nearest town: Boulder
Nearest road: Frog Basin Rd
Conditions: Sunny
Time: early afternoon
Location: This is located in the Escalante Monument (said to be the "most wild place in the contiguous United States", by Outdoor Magazine. Between a canyon called The Gulch and another called Deer Creek- I think it is called Kings Bench, but with out a map I am unsure and I want to report this while I am here today.
Description of event: This area is desert with smooth rock mountains, sand and very little vegetation. The only possible objects obscuring my view were rock formation. The Bench was a similar height to "Spencers Butte" in Eugene, Oregon with the difference being the lack of vegetation and the smooth light-colored rock (though this is a "bench", one could easily ride a mountain bike without difficulty for miles on top of it.)
It was obvious that the creature didn't want to be seen; and we had surprised it completely.
It's behavior and reaction were completely human. It was scouting for something to the north and when it saw up it ducked behind a rock to avoid being observed. Because we didn't realize what it was and thought that its behavior was odd (anyone that far out in the wilderness would have been please to see us, instead of hiding) we decided not to investigate at that time. We did not want to put ourselves in danger. However, we needed to get to the other side, so we circle the area and headed downward and noticed it watching us with a very curious expression on its face. It hid itself when it noticed us staring back at it.
Two days later we revisited the site and found the area on which he was pacing was surrounded by rock formations approximately 65-70 inches tall. I now call this place the "Fortress" because it protected on all sides. This seemed incredible to me because I was able to clearly see the creature from below, while it was pacing within the "Fortress" and it raise its leg and placed its foot on one of the formations as it peered north. This means that the height of the creature had to be at least 12 ft tall to accommodate these movement being witnessed!
Because of the nature of the area (smooth, light-colored rock) no prints were made or seen.
One last note: on our way out of the area we witnesses strange lights in the night sky. They were as bright as stars but moved synchronously from the horizon to a point almost directly above us and then back to the horizon.
record updated:2003-12-07 00:00:00