Date: december
Freestone county, TX
Nearest town: Streetman
Nearest road: U.S. Hwy 75
Time: evening
Location: This a private 100 acres ranch and I don't think the owner wants any kind of strangers activity at this location. Not sure of the Farm to Market road but this was Between Fairfield and Steetman ,Tx Off U.S. 75
Description of event: I was deer hunting in a friend's property ,I did had a box stand and a tripod but that evening I decided to hunt a trail maybe 30 yard in the brush behind the stand.It was cold ,raining and I remember a little fog. Once I located the spot were I wanted to hunt ( About 15 yards from the creek) I sat in a small chair I had behind a big tree and just waited for deer or wild hogs to cross the trail. Not even ten minutes later to my left maybe 20 yard or so (not sure) I heard a scream so loud that there is no way to describe the volume of it.It really scared the hell out of me and I decided to leave I was by myself and this place is far from any house . My truck was parked 1/4 of a mile down.As soon as I made out of the tick brush into the right of way from the direction that I had just walked something was coming fast and breaking limbs as it came.I raised my Winchester 30/30 and got ready to deal with what I was about to face but just before the clear and just behind the tree line stopped and I could feel it just standing behind the trees just breathing heavy and not moving. It never came out but It was there. I started to walk fast not running toward my truck and I could hear it just walking in the same direction I was going but never leaving the trees.After a while It stop following me I made the to the truck without any other problems and drove off.I called my friend and told what happen and we dismissed as a Phanter . For several months I though about it because something did not add up so I found GCBRO and read the reports and I was surprised to know that I may have come as close as 15 yard or so to something so rare and powerful that I never heard or seen before and hope that never happen again . I did not go back until the end of the season to get my stuff and I took three frieds with me to help me .
record updated:2004-12-13 00:00:00