Date: july
Sumter county, AL
Nearest town: tarrytown
Nearest road: hwy. 50
Conditions: sunny,hot
Time: late afternoon
Location: about 2 miles west of tarrytown on hwy 50,first house on left side of the road before you get to 1st curve.a.k.a. "wilsons corner".the old house is surrounded by a barbwire fence on the south/west corner of the fense walk to the tree line of the swamp,take a right until you get to cowtrail to left, walk down trail until you come to a cow pasture the pasture will be divided by barbwire fence walk on left side of fence. The tree line in front of you is where the sighting accured.
Description of event: the day before this happened, me and two of my freinds just whent for a walk in the woods.i remember walking toward the tree line,and looking streight ahead almost the whole time,and never seen any thing, except bushes & trees. when we got to the woods we found a camp sight that looked abbandoned. the tent was dirty,and there were a few rusty frying pans lying on the ground and alot of dead leaves on top of everything including where the campfire was.needless to say we dicided to take the tent home with us. anyway the next day i decided to go back by myself,and see what else i could find.on my way there i was walking along the side of the fense,i was about half way to the tree line,just walking straight,looking at my surroundings,when something obout 200 yds or so in front of me moved, i seen this out the corner of my eye, i just stopped and looked for a few seconds and i seen for a seond what i thought was a stump,but this wasnt there the day i got a little closer there was something that looked like a man covered with reddish,brown hair,it had an oval shaped head,i couldnt realy tell how tall it was,it was kind of stooped over with is hands on its knees it was very still,and stairing at me,when i realized what this must be. i ran back home and i tell you ,after that ,it was very hard to sleep in that house at night.
record updated:2005-03-31 00:00:00