Date: october 26, 2004
Wallowa county, OR
Nearest town: Troy
Nearest road: pomeroy
Conditions: partly cloudy
Time: pre dawn dark hours
Location: You take hwy 3 coming from Enterprise Oregon to the road that takes you to the town of Flora & you stay on that road for about 10 miles or so until you reach the gravel road which will take you for another 15 or 20 miles to another paved road that leads to Troy which is about 10 miles. Then there will be a sign post & a road onto the right as your coming into town which will read Bartlett Lane & it is also a gravel road. You take that & go for about 10 miles & the road divides & there will be mail boxes to the right along with another sign post on the left which will read pomeroy. You will then want to take a right at the mail boxes & stay on that gravel road for 5 or 6 miles & there will be a sign again reading pomeroy. Stay on that road for 3 miles there will then be a small cemetary to the right & another signpost that will read Grouseflats rd., you will want to go in that direction & about 2 to 3 miles on that road is where I saw it.
Description of event: I left my home driving to work. I took my usual route which is Grouse flats rd. We are out in an isolated area where there is nothing but farm fields & woods. And at approximatly 5:40 A.M. I seen something in my head lights crossing the gravel road. It was a large bulky figure & as i was approaching closer I could see it was covered with alot of hair , it appeared to be dark brown. It seemed to be taller then average height & it moved at a quick pace. I was only seeing a side view of it but it had a long arm which was moving in a very exagerrated way not like how a person would move there arm. It never stopped to look at me or anything, it just kept moving.
record updated:2005-05-01 00:00:00