Date: August 24, 2010
Blaine county, ID
Nearest town: Stanley
Nearest road: Hwy 75
Conditions: Nice/Cooler at night
Time: dusk
Location: Perkins Lake, the smaller lake before Alturas Lake, in the Sawtooth Mtns., Idaho.
Description of event: My husband and two boys, ages one and two, and our yellow lab canoed across Perkins Lake to the far shore to find a secluded campsite away from any people or designated campsites. We chose a spot close to the water within the forest. The forest had several downed trees so it was fairly difficult finding a spot big enough for the tent. After setting up camp, building a fire, and eating dinner, we decided to take a stroll to the meadow/clearing we could see toward the mountains, opposite of the water. We had to walk quite slowly because of all the dead trees on the ground. When we got to the meadow, my two year old and the yellow lab were just running around, and myself and the one year old were watching them. My husband was nearer to the trees/forest, and he loudly exclaimed, "We have company." That is when I grabbed the boys and stood behind a shrub looking into the forest to see what it was. We could hear the loud crashing of tree branches breaking, etc. I saw what I will describe as a large black flash, moving very fast running through the trees. It was definitely upright, I'd say about 8-9 feet tall. (We were pretty close to it in hindsight) My husband said I saw the second one, as he saw a first one, then the second one. We then hurried back to camp, trying to figure out what it could have possibly been, and no logical explanation has come to mind yet, thus why I believe it was a bigfoot. That night, I could not sleep well, and I heard some loud noises I would like to contribute to some strange bird, but it was LOUD, and obviously in the distance. Not sure if that is related or not, but that is what I heard. It was a full moon that night, as well.
record updated:2010-08-31 16:03:01