Date: August
Klamath county, CA
Nearest town: Happy Camp
Nearest road:
Conditions: clear, dry, warm
Time: dawn
Location: Camping on gravel bar next to Klamath River near Happy Camp (around 10 miles south of town).
Description of event: My wife and I were awakened shortly before dawn as we camped on a gravel bar by the Klamath River by whistling gurgling screams coming from at least three different locations both up- and downriver, and appearing to respond to each other. At first I thought it was a cougar scream, but the sound was different and I never heard cougars respond to each other - as if they were locating each other. Then we heard what I first thought was a horse running on the road above us - a horse (due to its "heavy" sound), like something very heavy was running - but as it approached it sounded like a person running - a very heavy person thudding the road. There were trees between us and the road and we couldn't see what was there. Then the runner on the road scream/whistled responding to the others - it was very close and ear-splitting in volume. It continued running and calling away from us. The calls/screams lasted about five minutes, then abruptly stopped.
record updated:2011-09-22 22:49:11