Oregonbigfoot.com was the first undertaking of its kind. There are many websites and even more groups out there collecting data, but there was no centralized location to pool it all together and provide a comprehensive look at Bigfoot sightings in any particular area. Having lived in Oregon for most of my adult life, I decided that Oregon was as good a place as any to start.
There are sightings listed here from a number of websites, books, and personally gathered reports. The goal was not to plagarize, nor to detract from any one groups' work. Rather, my intention was to compile information while giving full credit where credit is due, promoting each independent website in the process. I originally began this project for my own private research use. Once it was finished, I recognized its value and decided to make it available to the public. Since then, thousands of reports have come in from all over the United States and Canada, making Oregonbigfoot.com one of the largest databases and most popular bigfoot sites on the web. At present, we receive approximately 30,000 unique visitors to the site each month and our database is nationwide.
Oregon Bigfoot is not a "research organization". We are a community. Our membership is made up of incidental witnesses, long-term witnesses, independent investigators and those with a keen interest in this subject. Our members hail from all part of the US and across the world. On our forum, you'll find an atmosphere that inspires open-minded critical thinking, kindness, and humor. Our main goal is advocacy - both for witnesses, and for the Sasquatch. We feel it's important to understand these amazing beings while providing support to those who have seen and interacted them... as well as provide education for those who would. Members are asked to leave ego and drama at the door. As a result, it makes our forum an enjoyable place for everyone, and our members comment regularly that our small community on the web feels a lot like a healthy family. Keeping OB private, rather than public, is one way to ensure it stays that way.
In the members' media archives, you'll find hundreds of photos, audio recordings, videos, as well as multimedia field journals from myself and other members.