Date: august 18, 2003
Deschutes county, OR
Nearest town: Bend
Nearest road: Mt. Washington Rd.
Conditions: Clear
Time: night
Description of event: My wife's sister and their family had just moved into a new home in a new rural subdivision near Shevelin Park by Tumalo Creek in Bend. She had mentioned there were coyotes that made a horrible sounding noise sometimes at night (they open their windows at night on the 2nd story level). Me and my family were spending the night there and I awoke to hear a dreadful sounding repetitive "call". Having grown up in the backwoods country of east Texas, I am familiar with the "yapping" cries of coyotes and this sound was not from any animal I'm familiar with. The best way to describe the sound is that of a large bloodhound trying to clear it's throat "WHOOOAAAH" - loudly w/ no pitch or volume variances. It occured in two separate periods and the calls were about 5 or 6 repetitons - 2 seconds in length with about a 1 second gap in between them. Once the sounds ended, there was an eerie silence for about five or 6 minutes - even though there are several dogs in the neighborhood.
record updated:2004-08-01 00:00:00