Date: august 29, 2003
Travis county, TX
Nearest town: Austin
Nearest road: 360-in Hill Valley
Conditions: cloudy....about 93 degrees
Time: late afternoon
Location: Have to go back and map it out. I will if it is of interest
Description of event: there was a trail where an animal had passed. Broken limbs and terrain was compressed slightly. Didnt think much of it...but found very unusual stool waste...too large for the local wilflife and doubtful someone had been through there on a horse...I would have spotted tracks easily. My boyfriend and I took a stool sample and gave it to a lab here in town...they told us it was high in iron and some other substance which was the main content of bark off of a tree. The iron ....I guess....had to come from some aquatic that would be the only way a high Fe content would be present. Fish, bark and a abnormal sized stool sample. I dont get it...but it is spooky.
record updated:2004-08-01 00:00:00