Date: February
Nowata county, OK
Nearest town: Wann or South Coffeyville
Nearest road: Highways 10 &Highway 169
Conditions: Sunny
Time: mid morning
Location: this is 1 1/2 miles south of the Noxie area.This is the same area where back in the 70's a creature was tormenting the people of Noxie.
Description of event: Hello,I drive a delivery truck to Kansas 3 times a week.On the day of this sighting I had taken my 12 year old son with me on my route.As we turned onto Highway XX from Highway XX I told him to watch for deer on his side of the truck and I'd watch on mine. This road has had several deer killed from vehicles and I didn't want to hit one.As I drove we watched and seen no deer along the X miles stretch to XXXX.As we rounded the curve on the east side of XXXX it turns back into wheat fields, so we resumed watching for deer.As I started to watch on my side of the road I looked out across a winter wheat field (which is green this time of year)and noticed about 100 yards away a HUGE black figure bent over. I slowed the truck down to get a better look when my son turned to look at what I was looking at and he said,"Dad,is that a Bigfoot?"and about that time it stood upright and looked at the truck.I replied "I think so."I would have to say it was about 7-8 feet tall and about 300-500 pounds with jet black hair and a cone shaped head and very well proportioned. As we watched it for about 2 minutes it just stood there and watched us while it ate something it was picking off of a small branch it held in its right hand. (berries perhaps)The wierd thing about it it never ran or walked away.As we drove on it turned its whole body to watch us drive off not just its head.
record updated:2003-11-13 00:00:00