Date: july 23, 1997
Baker county, OR
Nearest town: Durkee
Nearest road: Burnt River Canyon Road
Conditions: Clear
Time: night
Location: From Durkee Oregon, go up burnt river canyon road until you reach the LDMA mining camp (about 15 miles from durkee). about 100 yards past the camp, take the road down to the river and cross the river, to go up cave creek road. follow the road about two miles, and take the right into my families mining claim. this is where it happened.
Description of event: we were sitting in the cabin at the mine late at night, two friends and I, when we heard extremely louk howling and shrieking from across the canyon. It was extremely loud, and sounded exactly like the Klamath audio recording (see the sound page for details).
The sound was loud enough to scare my dog, which was extremely unusual, because he usually barks at just about any sounds coming from outside of the cabin at night. this shrieking lasted about two hours, all of the time we were just listening in silence. while we were listening, we could also hear something moving through what sounded like bull thistles and brush, but it was far off which got me to believe it was coming from across the canyon, about 200 yards away. My friend karl decided to try to shoot some 12 gauge rounds in the air to see if it would go away, but after each round (he fired 3), it would go quet for about a min, and then the howling would continue. The next day one of my friends went over there to do some work and noticed that some of the hillside was disturbed by a large animal, but there were no identifiable tracks, except that they were very large. this was the only time that i personally have experienced this, but my uncle who also works up there from time to time experienced this on numerous occasions.
record updated:2003-11-13 00:00:00