Date: june
Chester county, SC
Nearest town: chester
Nearest road: u.s. highway 21
Conditions: hot/humid
Time: late afternoon
Location: u.s. highway south,fort lawn,s.c.north east three miles from old train station on the bank of fishing creek.
use older map to find more accurate terrian and man made features. maybe a 1970 map.
Description of event: my friends and i were hiking along the creek as did we many times before. we entered the woods through a logging trail to bypass the thicker bush. along they trail we noticed an unusual count of deer tracks, so we kept our eyes on the trail as we walked. nothing else jumped out at us at the time. it wasn't untill we were returning that afternoon that we noticed something different. along the same trail as the one we entered, we noticed a large foot print. we did not have a camera, but did record the size by cutting my shirt the same lenght and later at home measuring it. it measured aprox. 18 7/8 inches. we also noticed that the insects were not making noise as usual, but did hear a loud, deep gargaling sound. there was also a large trail through the briars to big to be a deer trail. we didn't think to look for hair. i have been keeping my eyes open ever since.
record updated:2005-01-28 00:00:00