Date: december 27, 2003
Hopkins county, TX
Nearest town: sulphur springs
Nearest road: winter
Conditions: cloudy
Location: It was in hopkins county near sulphur springs . My lands owner would like the exact spot kept confidential ,but other people will surly let you investigate on there land.Please go out and look I know you will find one.
Description of event: I was sitting in my deer stand when I started hearing screams.A couple minutes later they got closer and rocks the size of my head were being thrown at me. In my fright I grabbed my rifle and fired in its direction. 3 days later I went back. The same thing happend the next 4 times. I had brought my camra to get some evidencs but it was too aggressive to keep around and I kept having to shoot again. I told the land owner and he too had heard the screams. The land owner is not willing to let y'all come to his place but you can probably find some other witnesses that have land and maybe evidence. Please go look in Hopkins county near Sulphur Springs. I know you will find one - they are there! There is land no one has ever been in there... so there's much to be discoverd there. There was at least 45 acres of land never been in on that land alone. Please go check it out.
record updated:2005-03-01 00:00:00