Date: July 20, 2004
Alpine county, CA
Nearest town:
Nearest road:
Conditions: Clear
Time: pre dawn dark hours
Location: I would like it to remain confidential.
Description of event: I was camping w/ family. We thought we heared a bear and kept hearing twigs and branches breaking. We did not see a bear so we all slept in my truck. We had my mom's night vision and I was looking in the direction of the noises for about 30 min. There were people with about 5 horses camping next to us and that is where the noises were comming from but all of the horses were sleeping. I got tired of looking so I tried to fall asleep but kept hearing noises. So, thinking I was about to see a curious bear I lifted the night vision up. I saw what I thought was a man staring straight back at me. I could tell that he saw me. He stood perfectly still. It is hard to judge size through the night vision so I thought the man camping next to us might have heard the bear and was checking on his horses. Then I realized that there is no man that has 3-4 feet in height over a standing horse. Then I realized it was bigfoot. I knew he saw me so I lowered the night vision to see if I could get a better view of his coloration but it was pitch black. I lifted the night vision again just as he bent in half and started mimicking the movements of the recently awakened horses. He was swaying his head back and forth exactly as they were, like he was trying to blend in with them. I did not feel threatened by him so I just turned off the night vision and tried to go to sleep. I knew exactly what I had seen when I heared my brother in law, whom I thought had been asleep say, "I think I see a man standing over there!" I just said yeah. I didn't tell him who it really was until morning.
record updated:2004-08-01 00:00:00