Date: november 10, 2003
Aroostook county, ME
Nearest town: Ashland
Nearest road: Pelletier
Conditions: Overcast / Foggy
Time: mid morning
Location: Going down the Pinkham Road from Ashland, take a right on the Pelletier Road and then go approximately a mile or two and the take a left on a logging road. The logging road goes up a hillside and gets thicker and thicker until you can't go any further.
Description of event: I was deer hunting and while exploring an old logging road, I stopped to check an area that looked promising. When I got out of the truck, I happened to look down and saw what appeared to be a large human looking track. Intantly, the hair on the back of my neck stood on end and my sensed became acutely alert, however, I did not see, hear, or smell anything worthy of reporting. The track was in the snow at the edge of a logging road and there was only one. It had snowed a couple of days earlier a couple of inches and the snow was melting by that day. I will attempt to email you pictures that I took of the track.
record updated:2005-03-01 00:00:00