Date: december 10, 2004
Highlands county, FL
Nearest town: Sebring
Nearest road: US Hwy 27
Conditions: starlight nite
Time: night
Location: the road is shell road with twists and turns and is a swampy area on both sides I think its north to south on the section I was on
Description of event: (Editor's note: Report has been edited for clarity) I was coming home from a date with my girlfriend. Thru the county road thru Hickory Hammocks state park. This is a gravel road that is barely 2 to 2 and half cars wide and is a curvy rd until the last 1/4 to 1/2 mile. As I rounded the last turn entering the straightaway, I saw what appeared to be a man. As I got closer, it made 4 steps and was across the road. (At that point, I flipped on my high beams on my car. At first, I thought it was someone playing jokes or kids but when I stopped at the spot I thought was where it had crossed, there was a rank odor - to the point I had to cover my nose. I heard a faint grunt and a stick ( about the size of your fist ) flew and hit the side of my truck. Please note: I have not repaired my truck due to the fact I don't know how to explain it to my insurance company! When I stopped at the rangers office they laughed at me and said they would look into it! I have avoided that area since ! I told my one friend Chris and he recommended your site to me. I would like to speak with someone if possible as long as you keep my name confidential. I can show you the spot where this happened. The foresty personnel I talked to said this was not the first time, and I quote, "some crack pot has made a report."
record updated:2005-03-01 00:00:00