Van Buren county, AR
Nearest town: Clinton
Nearest road: Hwy. 65
Conditions: cold & partly-cloudy
Time: early morning
Location: On the banks of my uncle's pond in the back pasture of his farm, approximately 200 yards from the road. North of Clinton, AR. on Hwy. 65, in the community of Botkinburg. Plant Church Rd. across from the Plant Church and Cemetary.
Description of event: I am relaying what my uncle told me and my father the day after his encounter. My uncle owns a farm in northern Van Buren County, about 10 miles north of Clinton, AR. He gets up before dawn and doesn't come in until dusk, six days a week.
On this particular Friday morning, he woke as usual and headed to the barn to start up the tractor so he could feed his cattle before he ate breakfast. He said it was just barely daylight as he got to the barn, when he heard a horrible yell. It went on for about 4 or 5 minutes. Now my uncle has lived in the Ozark foothills all of his life, he knows normal animal sounds and he said this was like nothing he had ever heard. It scared him enough that the hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he went back to the house to retrieve his rifle. About 10 minutes had passed since he heard the first yell when he returned to the barn with his rifle. He made his way towards the direction of the terrible sounds, which had ceased. The pond lay about 200 yards off of the dirt road, and it took my uncle several minutes to walk the distance because he was still very rattled. When he got to the pond bank he found several 3-toed prints, all much larger than an average man. He said it seemed like the animal was there to get water. Suddenly he heard the yell again and he looked up towards the treeline which is another 200 yards away, and saw a dark, shaggy, up-right figure move into the woods, walking only on its hind legs. He fired a shot into the air and did not hear from the animal again. This was almost twenty years ago, and since then he has periodically found 3-toed prints around his pond, but has not seen or heard the animal since. My father and I saw the prints ourselves the next day when we arrived to do some squirrel hunting. I thought the prints were cool, but looking back, I'm sure my uncle didn't think it was too cool when it was going on.
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