Date: january 24, 2005
El Paso county, CO
Nearest town: maneto springs
Nearest road: unknown
Conditions: mildly cloudy
Time: early afternoon
Location: Head from maneto to the nearest entrance of garden of the gods. The rest I would like to keep confidential.
Description of event: I went up the main trail and then got off the trail. I unpacked my lunch when I found a deep wilderness area. As I ate, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I did nothing. I smelled something horrible. Then I turned around and saw it. It was about 8f eet tall and had wild bushy hair. It had been watching me eating and it kept looking at my food and licking its lips! It held what looked like a rock. It looked at me and ran. When I left I think it followed me because I heard branches break and smelled something horrible again, then a rock was thrown at me. When I returned the next day I heard yelling that sounded like a mix of a woman screaming and a baby crying.
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