Date: July 07, 2006
Pontotoc county, OK
Nearest town: Byng
Nearest road: Oakwood Road
Conditions: mild, clear
Time: early morning
Description of event: My wife was on the front porch of our house at approximately 6:45 CST feeding her cat when she noticed the dogs (3)running towards our garbage dumpster, barking as they ran. She noticed something moving by the dumpster. As she honed in on the movement a short (approximately 40" in height) hairy creature scampered around the side of the dumpster. This creature had light and dark brown hair. It ran bi-ped/upright in fashion in a quick uniform shuffle. Our dumpster is approximately 90" from the front porch. As it rounded the dumpster it turned south and ran down a wash towards our pond, all the while being chased by the dogs. It apparently crossed the dam and headed for the wood line. This is where she lost sight of it. An apparent adolescent or dwarfed Bigfoot. She noticed a nasty odor as described as "not quite like a sewer" but putrid and musky. It didn’t seem to be afraid of the dogs but of the presence of my wife on the porch. This is the fourth sighting by our family in this exact vicinity in the past 15 years. It happened so quickly and unexpectedly there was no time to retrieve the camera.
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