Klamath county, OR
Nearest town: Chiliquin
Nearest road: Na
Conditions: semi sunny
Time: early afternoon
Location: The place is hard 2 describe.
Description of event: Me and an old boyfriend went out there 2 shoot but I was annoyed with him, so when we got out there we split up. I took off across the road and was walking on old stumps for about 15 minutes while he was shooting. He then came running towards me yelling my name. He is 6 feet 4 inches and he was as white as a ghost when he got to me! He said that something was up on the cliff of the hill that we have been on before. I didn't believe him until he started to shoot at it with his 22. Then after a couple of shots I saw it get up slowly turn around and start walking away. We were so scared we got in my car and took off. We came back the next day with a friend and tried to find something, but we couldn't.
record updated:2011-08-10 15:53:03